I have dragged this for a long time now.
My kind of personal website is something which is very simple to both look at and also simple for me to maintain and write.
Although initially i used to think of trying out a new JavaScript framework and build my website with that just as a way to try out a new framework when i was doing some frontend at work. But it's been so long since i did any frontend and i sort of lost interest in it.
I realised just plain old html, css and markdown is the way to go for a personal website which is mostly just text, images and some code snippets, that's when i got to see a website which looks mostly how i would like my website to be.
This was Karan's website and i wanted to know the stack of his website, i knew it was some SSG (Static Site Generator), so i wanted to know which one was it and luckily Karan had a blog post about migrating his website to Zola.
After reading that blog post and taking a look at Zola documentation, i liked how simple it was, just what i wanted. So i started building my website which is mostly(fine...., entirely) a copy of Karan's with minor changes.
The deployment is simple with Netlify, you can check out the steps here. Might feel fancy some day and deploy it on my own, but for now it does the job.